Service group / service | Unit | Market price (EUR) |
AI4Health.Cro Investment Platform: An online private and secure platform will be developed to serve AI4Health.Cro users and investors with access to relevant information, in line data protection policies and relevant regulation. It is primarily oriented towards investors and digital health start-ups and SMEs seeking funding, and will enable transparent and efficient exchange of information, facilitating interaction and knowledge exchange between stakeholders within the ecosystem, increased visibility of SMEs among the investors, facilitating and accelerating investing in development of smart digital health solutions. | Day | TBD |
Investment Readiness Programme: The programme aims to complement the supply-side initiatives of AI4Health.Cro users, with the goal of increasing the quality of investment opportunities. It is envisaged as a company-specific, tailor-made mentoring programme. While more generic themes of business plan development, pitching, etc. will be tackled within the “Skills and training” set of services, the IRP programme will be more focused on specific needs of individual users, primarily the ones within the TBI programme. Depending on the individual needs, the programme will encompass long-term comprehensive business support to the point the user is ready to seek equity support, or other appropriate form of investment. | Day | TBD |
Consortium Builder. AI4Health.Cro will serve as one-stop-shop for SMEs searching for research organisations or other companies to partner up for collaborative research, development and innovation activities. EDIH will facilitate identification and initial contact with potential project partners and provide support in identification of sources of funding for planned RDI activities, primarily through competitive grants from EU funds. | Service | TBD |
Legal and Regulatory Guidance. Legal support in privacy policies and data protection, corporate structures and transactions, non-disclosure agreements, intellectual property rights, contracts and consumer regulation, and other subjects in line with the needs of users. Regulatory guidance and support will include medical device certification, software as a device certification, quality management systems, risk management, standards related to medical device software, regulations related to new medical devices, regulatory compliance in European markets, entrance in reimbursement processes in different EU countries, as well as others, in line with the needs of users. | Service | TBD |
Procurement for Innovation Guidance. Public authorities and healthcare providers searching to identify and implement digital health solutions will be provided with support in the process, including analysis of the actual needs of the interested healthcare providers and identification of relevant requirements of the needed digital health solution, research of potential existing solutions, as well as solutions in development, initiation of direct contacts between healthcare providers and owners of the identified solutions, organisation of presentations of the identified solutions. In cases where the solution is not yet available on the market, users will be provided with the support to organise and implement the innovation procurement process if they prove to be interested in its implementation. | Day | TBD |
Project Development Guidance. Support in the identification of potential sources of funding for the development and commercialisation of their digital health solutions, which will be delivered through oneon-one consultations and workshops. Expert support in identification of potential sources of funding, development of investment plans and feasibility studies, marketing strategies, risks analyses, grant writing and funding application support, as well as support in the analyses of target markets and potential competition. All services provided are specific and tailor-made in line with the needs of individual users. | Day | TBD |
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AI4Health.Cro Inovacijsko natjecanje 2025
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